
Most of this is written at the DEBUG level.

Using LuaRocks with LÖVE

· love lua

Installing Lua packages in your LÖVE projects with LuaRocks will really level up your game development experience. The initial setup is a little tricky but well worth the effort to have proper package management for your project.

Windows users, you will probably need to install a terminal emulator, like GitBash or Cygwin, in order to run the commands below.

What is LuaRocks?

LuaRocks is a package manager for Lua. You can use LuaRocks to install packages/libraries (LuaRocks calls them "rocks") and use them in your project.

LuaRocks can install both Lua and C rocks. We'll be installing both in an example project, but keep in mind that the C rocks will be compiled for your platform, so they won't work on other platforms. You'll probably want to stick to Lua rocks if you're building cross-platform games.

It's certainly possible to build and distribute cross-platform LÖVE projects with compiled C dependencies, but we won't be covering that here.

Install LuaRocks

Check to see if LuaRocks is already installed by running this version check:

$ luarocks --version
[...]/lua/5.1.5/luarocks/bin/luarocks 3.9.2
LuaRocks main command-line interface

If you see output similar to mine, then you're probably ready to go. Otherwise, check out the LuaRocks Quick Start for installation instructions.

MacOS users, there is also a Homebrew formula available:

brew install luarocks

Create a New Project

We'll be building a new project in this example, but you should be able to adapt these steps to add LuaRocks to an existing project.

First, create a new directory for the project and cd into it:

mkdir example && cd example

Run the LuaRocks init command to initialize the project:

$ luarocks init --lua-versions 5.1

Initializing project 'example' for Lua 5.1 ...

Checking your Lua installation ...

Wrote template at [...]/example/example-dev-1.rockspec -- you should now edit
and finish it.

Adding entries to .gitignore ...
Preparing ./.luarocks/ ...
Wrote .luarocks/config-5.1.lua
Preparing ./lua_modules/ ...
Preparing ./luarocks ...
Preparing ./lua for version 5.1...

We specified that the project is compatible with Lua 5.1, because under the covers LÖVE uses LuaJIT, which is compatible with Lua 5.1. We're assuming a standard LÖVE distribution here.

You should see the following files and directories:

├── .gitignore
├── .luarocks
├── lua
├── lua_modules
├── luarocks
└── example-dev-1.rockspec

When you check out a project that uses LuaRocks like this for the first time, you need to run luarocks init to initialize the project and generate many of the files and directories above.

Add Some Source Code

In this example, we'll be storing our source code in a src/ directory.

Every LÖVE project needs a main.lua file, the main entry point of the application. We'll actually have two main.lua files: a main.lua file and a src/main.lua file.

Create a main.lua file with the following contents:


  table.concat({ ";lua_modules/share/lua/", LUA_VERSION, "/?.lua" }),
  table.concat({ ";lua_modules/share/lua/", LUA_VERSION, "/?/init.lua" }),

  table.concat({ ";lua_modules/lib/lua/", LUA_VERSION, "/??" }),


We need to tell LÖVE how to load packages installed by LuaRocks - both Lua packages and C packages. We do this by modifying LÖVE's require paths using the love.filesystem.setRequirePath() and love.filesystem.setCRequirePath() functions. Paths are separated by semicolons ;.

After that, we require src/main.lua. Modules from src/main.lua onward will then be able to require modules in packages we install with LuaRocks.

We added the following Lua require path patterns:

Note: ? in the path patterns above will be replaced with the name/path of the module. So, in require "" would become foo/bar.

We also added the following C require path patterns:

Note: ?? in the path patterns above will be replaced with both the name/path of the package as well as the platform-specific extension (usually .so or .dll).

Create a src/main.lua file with the following contents:

local json = require "dkjson"
local cjson = require "cjson"

function love.draw(){ hello = "World" }), 20, 20){ hello = "C World" }), 20, 40)

We require two packages that we're about to install with LuaRocks. Both of these packages allow you to encode tables into JSON strings and decode JSON strings into tables. dkjson is written in pure Lua, while lua-cjson is written mostly in C.

After that, we print some tables to the screen that we've encoded into JSON strings.

Install the Rocks

Open example-dev1.rockspec and replace the dependencies table with the following:

-- ...
dependencies = {
  "lua ~> 5.1",
  "dkjson ~> 2.7",
  "lua-cjson ~> 2.1"
-- ...

Now install the dependencies from the rockspec with LuaRocks:

$ ./luarocks install --only-deps example-dev-1.rockspec
Missing dependencies for example dev-1:
   dkjson ~> 2.7 (not installed)
   lua-cjson ~> 2.1 (not installed)

example dev-1 depends on lua ~> 5.1 (5.1-1 provided by VM)
example dev-1 depends on dkjson ~> 2.7 (not installed)

dkjson 2.7-1 depends on lua >= 5.1, < 5.5 (5.1-1 provided by VM)
No existing manifest. Attempting to rebuild...
dkjson 2.7-1 is now installed in [...]/example/lua_modules (license: MIT/X11)

example dev-1 depends on lua-cjson ~> 2.1 (not installed)

lua-cjson depends on lua >= 5.1 (5.1-1 provided by VM)
env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=11.0 gcc -O2 -fPIC -I[...]/lua/5.1.5/include -c lua_cjson.c -o lua_cjson.o
env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=11.0 gcc -O2 -fPIC -I[...]/lua/5.1.5/include -c strbuf.c -o strbuf.o
env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=11.0 gcc -O2 -fPIC -I[...]/lua/5.1.5/include -c fpconv.c -o fpconv.o
env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=11.0 gcc  -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -all_load -o lua_cjson.o strbuf.o fpconv.o
lua-cjson is now installed in [...]/example/lua_modules (license: MIT)

Stopping after installing dependencies for example dev-1

The dependencies should now be installed under the lua_modules/ directory.

Run the Project with LÖVE

You can run this project like a normal LÖVE project.

See the LÖVE wiki Getting Started page for more information.

For example, on MacOS with a file in your home directory, execute the following command from the project directory to run the application:

~/ .

Here's what you should see:

Screenshot of Example LÖVE application


Distributing LÖVE projects can be complicated.

See LÖVE wiki Game Distribution page for more information.

With respect to LuaRocks, the important thing to remember is to include main.lua with the changes to the require paths and lua_modules/ with the installed rocks in the distribution. For this application, we also need to include the src/ directory with our application's source code.

Again, remember that the distribution will contain code compiled specifically for your platform, so the distribution will not work on other platforms.

We can create a simple distribution by zipping up our files and giving the zip a .love extension instead of a .zip extension:

zip -r main.lua src lua_modules

You should be able to run with LÖVE.

For example, on MacOS with a file in your home directory:



LuaRocks makes it easy to add useful libraries to your LÖVE projects. Take a look at the love label in LuaRocks for libraries that may already be using. And please do contribute new libraries of your own!

LuaRocks can do a bit more than just installing rocks and managing your project's dependencies - things like build automation and executing tests. Take a look through the LuaRocks Documentation to learn more.

The complete source code for the example project that we built in this entry can be found here: complete example project.

Until next time!